
a tour de france


France, an introduction

Outdoor Crops

Maison Delamarre Ferme Bio


The biggest city farm in Europe

portrait anthony maubert restaurant assa for resilience food stories


"It's the land that feeds us"

Anthony Maubert

Restaurant Assa

HNV Farming

From flower to pot

Outdoor Crops

A happy marriage between producing food and taking care of nature.

Outdoor Crops

The Third Way

Fruits Fields

Wine from the old world

Fruits Fields

Kiwis from France

aquaponics in france controlled environment agriculture

Covered Crops

From egg to fish, from seed to fruit

Fruits Fields

Farmers Wisdom

Outdoor Crops

La Ferme de Barrotes

Outdoor Crops

The smell of the earth


"In short it's a democratic civil society system...

Sjoerd Wartena

Founder of Terre de Liens

Covered Crops

A Living Room of eleven Hectares

Outdoor Crops

Le Petit Violet

Seed Cultivation

“You reap what you sow”

Jean-Luc Danneyrolles

Peasant, Philosopher and Poet