the Netherlands

Outdoor Crops

A Farmer of the Old Breed

Healthy soil, farms and food longterm photodocumentary by Ruud Sies


Healthy soil, healthy farms, healthy food

The sustainability of Dutch agriculture, 1950 – 2015 – 2040


About the sustainability of Dutch agriculture.

Meino Smit

Farmer and researcher

Outdoor Crops

Strip cultivation

a story for Resilience Food Stories by photographer Ruud Sies


"There is a big difference between robust and efficient agriculture"

Michiel Korthals

Professor of philosophy

Simon Groot East-West Seed a story about Seed Cultivation for Resilience Food Stories

Seed Cultivation

"You cannot live on corn, wheat and rice alone. You need vegetables!"

Simon N. Groot

Founder East-West Seed

Covered Crops

600 vegetable gardens under one roof


"We're at the mercy of the food industry about what we put into our mouths"

Michiel Korthals

Professor of philosophy

Outdoor Crops

Big Data Big Potatoes

Covered Crops

“We often talk about urban farming. I call myself a metropolitan farmer.”

Rob Baan

Koppert Cress, the Netherlands

Outdoor Crops

The New Land

Fruits Fields

Apples and Pears, Flowers and Bees

Resilience Food Stories A Journey through the World of Resilient Agriculture., A longterm photography project. Subject Seed Cultivation A Story by Frank Vosselman, Co-Owner De Bolster Organic-Seeds the Netherlands

Seed Cultivation

The Noble Art of Breeding Seeds

Kitchen Gardens

From Plot to Plate