Grigore Petru is a grower with more than forty years of experience, who worked on a state farm during the communist period. Now he runs the family business, with 500 hectares of mainly onions and carrots.
The land Petru farms was once a lake and it took huge efforts and sacrifice to turn it into agricultural land. The communists brought so-called Kulaks, deported from the Banat in western Romania, to this region.
Petru built the company into a thoroughly modern concern with high yields but with a great sense of responsibility and respect for the land and for history.
“We all see what's happening to our planet. We all see the climate change…
Grigore Petru
Galati, Romania
...but everything is up to us alone.”
“This land was once a lake...
...and it took huge efforts and sacrifice to turn it into agricultural land.”
Grigore Petru
Galati, Romania
“We've been very careful with the land, because it is not just ours, it should serve the coming generations too. And it was obtained with great effort.That puts a huge responsibility on our shoulders.”
Grigore Petru
Galati, Romania
Outdoor Crops
Carrots, Onions and Potatoes
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